Tottenham’s potential Harry Kane replacement list includes star who upset Arsenal fans and two Manchester United goals, report says

Tottenham Hotspur have an eight-man shortlist of players who could replace Harry Kane.

That’s according to a report stating that should the England captain and Spurs record goalscorer leave north London, the Lilywhites will be pursuing one of the most varied goals.

With chairman Daniel Levy reportedly leading the search for Kane’s successor, a number of high-profile players have emerged as a potential number 9. The 29-year-old striker is part of Tottenham’s pre-season plans anyway and has returned to the side under new manager, Ange Postecoglou.

Tottenham Hotspur manager Ange Postecoglou press conference at Tottenham Hotspur Training Ground on July 10, 2023 in London, England.

Tottenham Hotspur manager Ange Postecoglou has Kane at his disposal for the pre-season (Image credit: Mark Leech/Offside/Offside via Getty Images)

According to the maila number of forwards are shortlisted to replace Kane should Tottenham part with their talisman.

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