Dwight Yorke explains how Sir Alex Ferguson’s attitude changed as his players appeared in the media

Sir Alex Ferguson was known for clashing with players who he felt were not focusing enough on their football.

Whether it was dragging Lee Sharpe and Ryan Giggs out of house parties or dropping Wayne Rooney for being involved in tabloid scandals, the legendary former Manchester United boss was quick to hand out the blow-dry treatment to every star who got out of line.

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#Dwight #Yorke #explains #Sir #Alex #Fergusons #attitude #changed #players #appeared #media

Read on main website: https://sportshighlights.online/dwight-yorke-explains-how-sir-alex-fergusons-attitude-changed-as-his-players-appeared-in-the-media/?feed_id=18230&_unique_id=64afe3fdc572e